/Ground/USA/Main-Battle-Tanks/Patton/Data/M60A1-Patton.htm | Up-dated:


M60A1 Patton

Main battle tank
4 (commander/machine gunner, gunner, loader, driver)
Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant 1960-1983

7948, Over 15000 (all variants)

October 1962
United States Army 1959-2005
United States Marine Corps 1962-1991


Developmental prototype for the M60A1 mating a modified M60 hull to the T95E7 turret.
First variant to feature the distinctive "needle-nose" long nosed turret and M68E1 105mm gun along with better armor protection, improved hydraulics and AVDS-1790-2A TLAC engine.
Add-On Stabilization, introduced in 1972 for the M68E1 gun.
M60A1 fitted with TLAC, AOS and T142 track
Reliability Improvement Selected Equipment, hull upgrade featuring AVDS-1790-2C RISE engine and electrical allowing easier access, servicing and removal, several component upgrades, TLAC, AOS as well as the T142 track.
Passive night vision for gunner and commander
upgrade to M240C coax gun, turret spall liners, AVDS-1790-2D RISE engine and VEESS smoke system, deep water fording kit and the ability to mount ERA. US Marines outfitted with explosive reactive armor (ERA) in the late 1980s.
Conceptual prototypes for development of the T95E7 Type A, Type B and Type C turret designs.
Developmental test vehicles fitted with the XM81E13 152 mm gun-missile launchers and T95E7 Type A turrets. 3 M60E1 hulls were used.
Prototype M60A1 hull mated to a compact T95E7 Type B turret design carrying the XM81E13 gun and accepted as M60A2.
Prototype, M60A1E2 fitted with M68 105 mm gun.
Experimental concept type with remote control weapons. One Type C turret mock-up built.
M60A1/A3 designation for target vehicles.



47600 kg (combat ready)
6.947 m (hull), 9.447 m w/Gun
3.632 m (width over tracks)
2.50 m
3.256m (over cupola periscope)
0.389 m
2.16 m
0.778 kg/cm²


105 mm M68 (4.1 in) gun *
63 (13 ready)
1 × .50-caliber (12.7 mm) M85 MG**
1× 7.62 mm (.308 in) M73 or M219 MG***
360° (manual and hydraulic)
+20° to -10° (manual and hydraulic)
2 x 6 smoke grenade dischargers (M60A3) on turret (12 Smoke grenades)

(*) Initial speed: 1560 m/s, firing rate: 10 rounds / min, range: 4000 m , (**) mounted on M19 Commanders Cupola, (***) Coaxial to 105mm gun

Welding, Hull: Cast homogeneous steel, Turret: Cast homogeneous steel
85.1-143 mm / 35°
35.8-74 mm/ 45-90°
30-41 mm / 60-30°
19mm / 0°(front)
13 mm / 0°(rear)
109 mm / 25°
25 mm equivalent / 90°
35.8 mm / 0°
254 mm equivalent / 90°
140 mm equivalent / 90°
57.2 mm equivalent / 90°
25 mm / 0°
130 mm / 30°


Continental AVDS-1790-2A; 12 cylinder, 4 cycle, 90° vee, supercharged diesel
750 hp at 2400 rpm
16.2 hp/t
General Motors CD-850-6A
2 forward, 1reverse
Mechanical, steering wheel / Multiple disc
1460 L


Torsion bars
6 independently sprung dual/track
3 dual/track
11-tooth rear drive
Dual compensating at front of track;
dual track tension wheel behind
last road wheel
On first 2 and last road wheels/track
T97E2, Center guide, double pin, rubber chevron
710 mm
176 mm
4.2347 m
T142, Center guide, double pin, replaceable rubber pad
710 mm
176 mm
4.2347 m


480 km
48 km/h
19 km/h
0.91 m
2.59 m
1.22 m, 2.4 m w/ preparation
60 %, side slope 30%






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