/Vehicles/Allies/UK/04-InfantryTanks/A38-Valiant/File/A38-Valiant.htm | Up-dated: | |||||||||||||
Infantry Tank Valiant En 1943, Vickers-Armstrong proposa un remplaçant au Valentine. Ce char reprenait le plus possible d'éléments du Valentine mais était doté d'une tourelle triplace plus large. Pour faciliter la production les galets étaient tous de même dimensions. Vickers confia les plans à la firme Birmingham Carriage & Wagon, qui cependant les donna à la firme Ruston & Hronby. Le prototype fut finalisé vers la mi 1944. In 1943, Vickers-Armstrong proposed a substitute to the Valentine. This tank took again elements of the Valentine as much as possible but was equipped with a broader 3-man turret. To facilitate the production the road-wheels were all of the same dimensions. Vickers entrusted the plans to the firm Birmingham Carriage & Wagon, which however gave at the firm Ruston & Hronby. The prototype was finalized about mid the 1944.
Cependant ce char était toujours au stade du prototype quand la guerre se termina et ne le dépassa jamais. Les essais démontrèrent que la conduite de ce char était inconfortable pour le pilote. Un Valiant II fut proposé, doté d'une moteur Meteorite (version allégée du Meteor) et d'une transmission améliorée. However this tank was always at the stage of the prototype when the war finished and never exceeded it. The tests showed that the drive of this tank was uncomfortable for the driver. Valiant II was proposed, equipped with a Meteorite engine (version reduced of Meteor) and with an improved transmission.