Captured (Beute) Armored Vehicles
Durant la deuxième guerre mondiale, l'armée
allemande, en raison d'une production déficiente en chars propres
fut obligée de s'équiper d'un grand nombre de chars capturés.
Ces chars étaient réparés, modifiés et repeints
avec des couleurs et inscriptions allemandes. Certains des ces chars furent
utilisés en service actif dans des unités spéciales
des Pz-Divisions ou des divisions d'infanterie dans des fonctions secondaires
comme la reconnaissance, le maintien de l'ordre. Certains servirent également
pour l'instruction des futurs équipages ou comme cibles dans les
exercices de tir. D'autres furent cédés aux pays alliés
de l'Allemagne. Mais en général les chars capturés
étaient convertis en canons automoteurs ou tracteurs d'artillerie.
Beaucoup de ces conversions étaient réalisés sur
le front et étaient non standardisées. L'utilisation de
chars capturés pour des fonctions secondaires libéra pas
mal de chars allemands qui purent être utilisés dans des
actions prioritaires sur la ligne de front. Vers la fin de la guerre en
raison de pertes énormes (non compensées), les chars capturés
furent de plus en plus utilisés sur le front face à leurs
anciens propriétaires malgré le danger évident que
cela provoquait. En effet, le tireur d'un char allemand risquait de faire
feu directement, se basant sur la silhouette du char (de conception ennemie)
bien avant d'apercevoir ses marques ! De loin un T-34 de la Wehrmacht
ressemble trait pour trait à un T-34 de l'armée rouge !
Au total, l'armée allemande utilisa 600 tracteurs
d'artillerie chenillés, 630 tracteurs d'artillerie blindés,
700 chars de combat, 800 canons automoteurs d'origine étrangère,
modifiés ou non.
Voici la liste par pays des véhicules (entièrement)
chenillés utilisés par l'allemagne durant la seconde guerre
mondiale: les lignes en retrait représentent l'appélation
allemande du véhicule (et ses conversions).
During the Second World War,
the German army, because of a defective production in real German tanks
was obliged to be equipped with a great number of captured tanks. These
tanks were repaired, modified and repainted with the German colors and
inscriptions. Some as of the these tanks were used in active service in
special units of Pz-Divisions or divisions of infantry in secondary functions
like the reconnaissance, police. Some were also useful for the instruction
of the future crews or like targets in the firing practices. Others were
yielded to the allied countries of Germany. But in general the captured
tanks were converted into self-propelled guns or artillery tractors. Many
of these conversions were carried out on the front and were not standardized.
The use of tanks captured for secondary functions did not release badly
from German tanks which could be used in priority actions on the front
line. Towards the end of the war because of enormous losses (not compensated),
the captured tanks were used more and more on the front against their
former owners in spite a obvious danger. Indeed, the gunner of a German
tank was likely to make fire directly, being based on the silhouette of
the tank (enemy design) well before seeing its marks! By far T-34 of Wehrmacht
resembles milks for feature in T-34 of the Red Army!
On the whole, the German army
used 600 full tracked artillery tractors, 630 armoured artillery tractors,
700 tanks, 800 self-propelled guns of foreign origin, modified or not.
Here the list by countries of
the vehicles (entirely) tracked used by Germany during the second world
war: the lines in withdrawal represent the German appelation of the vehicle
(and its conversions).
- Vickers-Armstrong
Utility Tractor - utility tractor
- Artillerie Schlepper
VA 601(b)- light artillery tractor or light cargo carrier
- Light tank Model
T.13 Type I & II - light tank
- Panzerjaeger (Sfl)
CL 801(b) - police or training tank
- Light tank Model
T.13 Type III - light tank
- Panzerjaeger VA 802(b)
- police or training tank
- Light tank Model
T.15 - light tank
- Panzerspahwagen VCL
701(b) - police or training tank
- Renault AMC-35 (ACGI)
- medium tank
- Panzerkampfwagen
AMC 738(b) - police or training tank
- Renault FT 18
- light tank
- Panzerkampfwagen FT
731(h) - police or training tank
& Canada
- Bren Gun Carrier
/ Universal Carrier - light carrier
- Gepanzerter Machinengewehr
Trager Bren 731(e) - combat, reconnaissance, police or training
- Scout Carrier -
light reconnaissance carrier
- Gepanzerter Machinengewehr
Trager Bren 732(e) - combat, reconnaissance, police or training
- Light Tank Mk. II
- light tank
- Leichter Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 733(e) - combat, police or training light tank
- Light Tank Mk. IV
- light tank
- Leichter Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 734(e) - combat, police or training light tank
- Light Tank Mk. VIB
- light tank
- Leichter Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 735(e) - combat, police or training light tank
- Light Tank Mk. VIC
- light tank
- Leichter Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 736(e) - combat, police or training light tank
- Light Tank Mk. VII
Tetrach - light airborne tank
- Leichter Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 737(e) - no use
- Cruiser Tank Mk.I
(A9) - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.I 741(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Cruiser Tank Mk.II
(A10) - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 742(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Cruiser Tank Mk.III
(A13 - Mark I) - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.II 743(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Cruiser Tank Mk.IV
(A13 - Mark II) - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.IV 744(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Cruiser Tank Mk.V
(A13 Mark III) Covenanter - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.V 745(e) - non utilisé
- Cruiser Tank Mk.VI
(A15) Crusader - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.VI 746(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Cruiser Tank Mk.VIII
(A27) Cromwell - cruiser tank
- Kruizer Pz.Kpfw
Mk.VIII ---(e) - combat, police or training tank
- Infantry Tank Mk.I
(A11) Matilda - infantry tank
- Infanterie Pz.Kpfw
Mk.I 747(e) - training tank
- Infantry Tank Mk.II
(A12) Matilda II - infantry tank
- Infanterie Pz.Kpfw
Mk.I 748(e) - combat, reconnaissance or training tank
- Some were converted
into 50 mm KwK L/42 carriers.
- Infantry Tank Mk.III
Valentine - infantry tank
- Infanterie Pz.Kpfw
Mk.III 749(e) - combat or training tank
- Sherman VC "Firefly"
-cruiser tank
- Pz.Kpfw ---(e)
- combat or training tank
- Infantry Tank Mark
IV (A22) Churchill - heavy infantry tank
- Infanterie Pz.Kpfw
Mk.IV ---(e) - training tank
Infantry Tank Mark IV (A22)
Cruiser Tank Mk.VI (A15)
Crusader in service in the DAK. |
Infantry Tank Mk.III Valentine in
service in the DAK. |
Infantry Tank Mk.II (A12) Matilda II in
service in the DAK. |
Sherman VC "Firefly"
in Normandy. |
Vickers VI c armé d'une mitrailleuse
Besa de 7.92 mm jumelée avec une mitrailleuse Besa de 15
mm en service dans la Wehrmacht. |
VI C armed with a Besa machine-gun of 7.92 mm twinned with a Besa
machine-gun of 15 mm in service in Wehrmacht. |
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
- Unic TU1 - tractor
- Zugkraftwagen
U305/305(f) - tractor
- Citroën P14P
- tractor
- Zugkraftwagen
Ci/306(f) - tractor
- Panhard-Kégresse
- armoured carrier
- Gepanzerter Transportkraftwagen
P380(f) - ammo carrier or reconnaissance, combat, police tank
- Renault VM / AMR
33 - reconnaissance tank
- Panzerspahwagen
VM 701(f) - reconnaissance, police tank
- Renault ZT / AMR
35 - reconnaissance tank
- Panzerspahwagen
ZT 702(f) - reconnaissance, police tank
- Some was armed with
the heavy mortar with 81 mm sGrW 34 or the guns with 20 mm KwK 30
or KwK 38 L/55
- Renault FT 17/18
- light tank escorte
- Pz.Kpfw 17R/18R
730(f) - reconnaissance, command, police, training, escort (trains),
protection (aerodromes) tank or posts mobile for artillery
- Renault R-35/R-40
(ZM) - light tank
- Pz.Kpfw 35R 731(f)
- reconnaissance, command, police tank
- Pz.Kpfw 35R 731(f)
mit MG34 - MG tank
- Munitionspanzer
35R 731(f) - ammo carrier
- Artillerie Schlepper
35R 731(f) - artillery tractor
- Zugkraftwagen
35R 731(f) - tractor
- Panzerjäger
35R 731(f) mit 47 mm Pak(f) L/43.4 - tank destroyer
- 1.5cm leFH18(Sf)
auf 35R(f) - self-propelled (150 mm) howitzer
- 8cm sGrW 34 auf
Pz.Kpfw 35R 731(f) - self-propelled (81 mm) mortar
- Renault D-1 -
medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw D-1 732(f)
- training, police tank
- Renault D-2 -
reconnaissance tank
- Pz.Kpfw D-2 733(f)
- police, training tank + tourelles montées sur trains
- Hotchkiss H-35
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw 35H 734(f)
- reconnaissance, command, police, training, escort (trains)
- Munitions-schlepper
35H 734(f) - ammo carrier
- Marder I (Sd.Kfz.135-
mit 75mm Pak 40 L/48 - tank destroyer
- 280/320 mm rocket
launcher tank
- Hotchkiss H-38
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw 38H 735(f)
- reconnaissance, command, police, training, escort (trains)
- Munitions-schlepper
38H 735(f) - ammo carrier
- Un Grosser Funk
und Befehlswagen 38H 735(f) - command, radio tank
- Artillerie-Panzer-Beobachtung
38H 735(f) - artillery observation tank
- 10.5cm leFH18(Sf)
auf Geschützwagen 38H(f) - obusier (105 mm) automoteur
- 280/320 mm rocket
launcher tank
- Hotchkiss H-39
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw 39H 735(f)
- reconnaissance, command, police, training, escort (trains)
- Munitions-schlepper
39H 735(f) - ammo carrier
- Marder I (Sd.Kfz.135-
mit 75mm Pak 40 L/48 - tank destroyer
- 10.5cm leFH18(Sf)
auf Geschützwagen 38H(f) - self-propelled (105 mm) howitzer
- 280/320 mm rocket
launcher tank
- AMX R-40 - light/medium
- Pz.Kpfw 40R 736(f)
- combat, police, training tank
- FCM 36 - medium
- Pz.Kpfw FCM 737(f)
- reconnaissance, police, command tank
- Marder I (Sd.Kfz.135-
mit 75mm Pak 40 L/48 - tank destroyer
- 10.5cm leFH16/18(Sf)
auf Geschützwagen FCM(f) - self-propelled (105 mm) howitzer
- AMC 1935R - light
- Pz.Kpfw AMC 738(f)
- training and police tank
- Somua S-35 -
medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw 35S 739(f)
- reconnaissance, police, training, combat tank
- Renault B-1bis/B-2
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw B-1/B-2
740(f) - police, training, combat tank
- 105mm leFH 18/3
auf Gw B-1/B-2 740(f) - self-propelled (105 mm) howitzer
- Pz.Kpfw B-1 Flamm
- flame thrower tank
- Pz.Kpfw B-1 Fahrschulewagen
- turetless training tank
- FCM 3C - heavy
- Pz.Kpfw 3C 741(f)
- no use
- YS Command car
- command tank
- Pz.Kpfw 770(f)
- police, training, combat tank
- Tracteur blindé
37L - personnel carrier or artillery tractor
- Panzerjäger
Lorraine Schlepper mit 47 mm Pak(t- 36 L/43 - tank destroyer
- Panzerjäger
Lorraine Schlepper mit 47 mm Pak 181(f) - tank destroyer
- Marder I (Sd.Kfz.135)
mit 75mm Pak 40 L/48 - tank destroyer
- Munitionstransportkraftwagen
auf Lorraine Schlepper - ammo carrier
- 10.5cm leFH16/18(Sf)
auf GW Lorraine Schlepper - self-propelled (105 mm) howitzer
- 12.2cm SFH 396(r)
auf GW Lorraine Schlepper - self-propelled (122 mm) howitzer
- 15cm sFH 13/1(Sf)
auf GW Lorraine Schlepper (f) (Sd.Kfz.135/1) - self-propelled (150
mm) howitzer
- Renault UE / AMX
UE / Chenilette Lorraine - light infantry carrier
- Infanterie Schlepper
UE 630(f) - utility and artillery tractor
- Sicherungsfahrzeug
UE(f) - infantry tank with 1-2 MG34
- Infanterie Schlepper
UE 630(f) mit 28/32cm Wurfahmen - rocket launcher tank
- 37mm Pak 35/36 auf
Infanterie Schlepper UE 630(f) - self-propelled gun
- Munitions-schlepper
auf Infanterie Schlepper UE 630(f) - ammo carrier
Char de bataille
B1 bis utilisé par les troupes d'occupation allemandes.
Char de bataille B1 bis transformé
par les Allemands en char lance-flammes (Pz.Kpfw B-1 Flamm) par
remplacement du canon de 75 mm du châssis. |
Tank of battle
B1 bis used by the German troops of occupation. |
of battle B1 bis transformed by the Germans in the flame thrower
tank (Pz.Kpfw B-1 Flamm) by replacement of the gun of 75 mm of the
hull. |
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Char de bataille B1 bis sans tourelle, utilisé
comme véhicule-école (Pz.Kpfw B-1 Fahrschulewagen)
dans un centre d'entraînement de la Wehrmacht. |
of battle B1 bis without turret, used like training vehicle (Pz.Kpfw
B-1 Fahrschulewagen) in a center of drive of Wehrmacht.
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Char Hotchkiss H-39 utilisé par les troupes
allemandes au cours d'opérations anti-guerilla dans les Balkans. |
Tank Hotchkiss
H-39 used by the German troops during operations counter insurgency
in Balkans. |
Renault FT 17 capturé par les troupes
allemandes en 1940 et utilisé par la Lutwaffe pour la surveillance
des aéroports en France occupée. Le canon est remplacé
par une mitrailleuse MG 08/15. |
Renault FT 17 captured
by the German troops in 1940 and used by Lutwaffe for the protection
of the airports in occupied France. The gun is replaced by a machine-gun
MG 08/15.
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Char Somua S-35 engagé dans les Balkans
par les troupes allemandes au cours d'opérations anti-guerilla
en 1944 (avec coupole modifiée). |
Tank Somua S-35 engaged
in Balkans by the German troops during operations counter insurgency
in 1944 (with modified cupola). |
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Soviet Union
- STZ-3 "Komsomolec"
- artillery tractor
- Gepanzerter Artillerie
Schlepper 630(r) - light tractor, ammo carrier
- STZ-5 - heavy
artillery tractor
- Gepanzerter Artillerie
Schlepper 630(r) - heavy tractor, ammo carrier
- T-37 - light
swimming tank
- Schwimm-PzKpfw
T-37 731(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training swimming
- T-38 - light
swimming tank
- Schwimm-PzKpfw
T-38 732(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training swimming
tank + defense of airports or mobile station of command for artillery
- T-40 - light
swimming tank
- Schwimm-PzKpfw
T-40 733(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training swimming
tank + defense of airports or mobile station of command for artillery
- T-27A - tankette
- Pz.Kpfw T-27A
734(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- T-26A (model 1931)
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26A
737(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26A
737(r) mit 75 mm Pak 97/(98) 38(f) (Schneider Modèle 1897)
- experimental tank
- T-26B (model 1933)
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26B
738(r) - police, training tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26B
738(r) mit 75 mm Pak 97/(98) 38(f) (Schneider Modèle 1897)
- experimental tank
- OT-130 (T-26B) -
flame-thrower tank
- Flammenwerfer
Pz.Kpfw T-26B 739(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training
(FT) tank
- T-26C (model 1937)
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26C
740(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-26C
740(r) mit 75 mm Pak 97/(98) 38(f) (Schneider Modèle 1897)
- experimental tank
- OT-133 (T-26S)
- flame-thrower tank
- Flammenwerfer
Pz.Kpfw T-26S 739(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training
(FT) tank
- T-26 - bridges
layer tank
- Brücke Pz.Kpfw
T-26 741(r) - combat, training (BL) tank
- BT (Bystrochodni
Tank) 5/7/7M/7A - fast tank
- Pz.Kpfw BT 742(r)
- combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- T-60 / T-70 -
light tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-60/70
743(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Munitions Schlepper
T-70(r) - ammo carrier, utility tractor
- Flakpanzer T-60(r)
mit 20 mm Flak 38 - anti-aircraft tank
- T-28 (model 1933)
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-28
746(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- T-34/76 / T-34/85
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-34
747(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Flakpanzer T-34
747(r) mit 20 mm Flak 38 - anti-aircraft tank
- T-28B (model 1937)
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-28V
748(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- T-35A (model
1933) - heavy tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-35A
751(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- T-35C (model 1937)
- heavy tank
- Pz.Kpfw T-35C
752(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- KV-IA (Klimenti Voroschilov)
- heavy tank
KV-IA 753(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
KV-IA 753(r) mit 7.5cm KwK 40 L/43 - combat tank
- KV-II (Klimenti Voroschilov)
- heavy tank
- (Sturm)Pz.Kpfw KV-II
754(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- KV-IB (Klimenti Voroschilov)
- heavy tank
- SU-76 (Samokhodnaja
Ustanovka) - light self-propelled gun
- Jagdpanzer SU-76
---(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank destroyer
- SU-85 (Samokhodnaja
Ustanovka) - medium self-propelled gun
- Jagdpanzer SU-85
---(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank destroyer
- SU-100 (Samokhodnaja
Ustanovka) - medium self-propelled gun
- Jagdpanzer SU-100
---(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank destroyer
- SU-122 (Samokhodnaja
Ustanovka) - medium self-propelled gun
- Sturmgeschütz
SU-122 ---(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- SU-152 (Samokhodnaja
Ustanovka) - heavy self-propelled gun
- (Sturm) Pz.Kpfw SU-152
---(r) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank destroyer
Flakpanzer T-34 747(r) mit 20 mm Flak 38 |
Pz.Kpfw KV-IA 753(r). |
(Sturm)Pz.Kpfw KV-II 754(r).
STZ-3 "Komsomolec" - Gepanzerter Artillerie
Schlepper 630(r). |
Jagdpanzer SU-85(r).
Pz.Kpfw T-26B 738(r). |
Pz.Kpfw T-34 747(r) - T-34/76.
Pz.Kpfw T-34 747(r) - T-34/85. |
United States
M2A4 - light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M2A4 740(a) -
no use
- M3 Genural Stuart
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M3 740(a) -
combat and reconnaissance tank
- M3 General Lee /
Genral Grant - medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw M3 747(a)
- combat and reconnaissance tank
- M4 General Sherman
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw M4 748(a)
- combat, training and reconnaissance tank
- M 5 Genral Stuart
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M5 ---(a)
- combat and reconnaissance tank
- M10 Gun Motor Carriage
- tank destroyer
- Jagdpanzer M10
---(a) - combat and training tank destroyer
M4A3 Sherman (Pz.kpfw M4 748(a)) en service
dans la wehrmacht durant l'offensive des Ardennes (hiver 1944-1945).
M4A3 Sherman (Pz.kpfw
M4 748(a)) in service in the wehrmacht during the offensive of the
Ardennes (winter 1944-1945). |
- 7TP - light tank
- Pz.Kpfw 7TP 731(p)
- command, police and training tank or artillery tractor
- TK-3/TKS - tankette
- leichte Pz.Kpfw TK-3/TKS(p)
- command, police and training tank or artillery tractor
- C2P - light tractor
- Artillerie Schlepper
C2P(p) - light artillery tractor
- C7P - light tractor
- Artillerie Schlepper
C7P(p) - light artillery tractor
Light tanks 7TP (Pz.Kpfw 7TP 731(p)) captured
to the Polish army. |
Tankette Tk-3-TKS (leichte Pz.Kpfw TK-3-TKS(p))
in service in Wehrmacht. |
Toldi I - light tank
- Pz.Kpfw ? - combat,
reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Toldi II - light
- Pz.Kpfw ? - combat,
reconnaissance, police, training tank
- 40M Turan I
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw ? - combat,
reconnaissance, police, training tank
- 40M Turan II
- medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw ? - combat,
reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Nimrod - anti-aircraft
- Pz.Kpfw ? - combat,
reconnaissance, police, training (AA) tank
- Zrinyi 40/43M -
assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
? - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault gun
- Autoprotetto S 37
- armoured carrier
- Gepanzerter Mannschaftstransportwagen
S 37 250(i) - ammo carrier, cargo carrier
- Carro Armato L/335
/ Carro Veloce 35 - tankette
- Pz.Kpfw CV 35
731(i) / Pz.Kpfw L3/35 731(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police,
training tank
- Carro Armato L/3/33(FI)
- Carro Armato L3/35(FI) - flame-thrower tank
- Pz.Kpfw L3/33(Flamm)
/ L3/35 (Flamm) 732(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training
(FT) tank
- Carro Armato L6/40
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw L6/40
733(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Armato M11/39
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M11/39
734(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Armato M13/40
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M13/40
735(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Armato M14/41
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M14/41
736(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Armato Pesante
26/40 - medium tank
- Pz.Kpfw P40 737(i)
- combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Armato M15/42
- light tank
- Pz.Kpfw M15L42
738(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Commando Compagnia
Sermovente da 47/32 - command tank
- Panzerbefehlswagen
47/32 770(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Sermovente L/40 da
47/32 - light assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
L6 mit 47/32 770(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training
assault gun
- Carro Commando Sermovente
M41 - command tank
- Panzerbefehlswagen
M41 771(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Carro Commando Sermovente
M42- command tank
- Panzerbefehlswagen
M42 772(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training tank
- Sermovente M40 da
75/18- assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
M40(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault gun
- Sermovente M42 da
75/18 - assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
M42(i) / Pz.bef.Wg M42 850(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police,
training, command assault gun
- Sermovente M42M da
75/34 - assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
M42M 851(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault
- Sermovente M42L da
105/25 - assault howitzer
- Sturmgeschütz
M42L 853(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault
- Sermovente M42T da
75/46 - assault howitzer
- Sturmgeschütz
M42T(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault gun
- Sermovente M43 da
75/34 - assault gun, tank destroyer
- Sturmgeschütz
M43 851(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault
- Sermovente M43 da
75/46 - assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz
M43 852(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault
- Sermovente M43 da
105/25 - assault howitzer
- Sturmgeschütz
M43 853(i) - combat, reconnaissance, police, training assault
Char L6/40 capturé par les troupes allemandes
et utilisé par la division SS Polizei en Grèce - Athènes,
1943. |
L6/40 tank captured by
the German troops and used by SS- division Polizei in Greece - Athens,
1943. |
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Char léger M/15/42 utilisé par
les unités allemandes lors d'opérations contre les
partisans - Italie du Nord, 1944-45. |
tank M/15/42 used by the German units at the time of operations
against the partisans - Italy of North, 1944-45. |
src: Connaissance de l'Histoire (Hachette),
HS n°3 -Blindés, des origines à 1940.
Carro Armato Pesante 26/40 en service dans la
Wehrmacht. |
Sermovente M40 da 75/18 utilisé par la
division "Herman Göring" (Lutwaffe) en Afrique du
Nord. |
Carro Armato Pesante 26/40
in service in Wehrmacht.
Sermovente M40 da 75/18
used by division "Herman Göring" (Lutwaffe) in North
Africa. |
src: Afrikakoprs in Action,
Squadron/Signal Publications |