/Airplanes/Allies/USA/01-Fighters/Focke-Wulf-Ta-152/Focke-Wulf-Ta-152H-1.htm | Up-dated: -


The British recovered 'Green 4' in Aalborg, Denmark, at the end of hostilities. They turned the airplane over to 'Watson's Whizzer's', the US unit charged with collecting German aircraft for further study.



Fw Ta-152 H-1 Specifications

Type: Fighter
Crew: 1

Jumo 213E liquid-cooled inverted V-12 | 1750 hp | Pistons

Length: 10.82 m | Width: 14.82 m | Height: 3.36 m
Weight: 3920 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 4750 kg

Max. Speed: 759 km/h | Ceiling: 14800 m | Range: 2000 km

MG: 1x 30mm MK 108& 2 x 20mm MG 151/20
Bombs: -




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