/Airplanes/Allies/USA/08-Others/Fokker-E5/Fokker-E5.htm | Up-dated:



1st PG, USAAC - One of three Fokker D.VIII tested at McCook Field, 1919. USA, from it developed the Fokker PW-5, 10 of which
were built to serve as advanced trainers with the 1st Pursuit Group.



Type: Trainer
Crew: 1

Oberursel UR.II 9-cyl | 110 hp | Pistons
Length: 5.86 m | Width: 8.34 m | Height: 2.60 m
Weight: 405 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 605 kg
Max. Speed: 204 km/h | Ceiling: 6000 m | Range: 1.5 hours

MG: -
Bombs: -



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