Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a
Sturmvogel (A-2a) |
Reconnaissance, Fighter-Bomber
Messerschmitt |
1430 (all
variants) |
7 june 1944 |
1944 |
Variants |
Pre-production aircraft fitted with two Jumo 004B turbojet
engines, 23 built. |
Primary production version, usable as both fighter (interceptor)
and fighter-bomber. |
Single prototype with a total of six nose mounted guns,
two 20 mm (0.787 in) MG 151/20 cannon, two 30 mm (1.181 in) MK 103
cannon, and two 30 mm (1.181 in) MK 108 cannon |
Single prototype with FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 90 MHz
radar transceiver and Hirschgeweih (stag's antlers) antenna array,
for trials as a night-fighter. |
Reconnaissance version modified in small numbers, with
Rb 20/30[86] cameras mounted in the nose or alternatively one Rb 20/20[86]
and one Rb 75/30[86] (Rb - Reihenbildmesskammer - series-picture,
topographic camera). Some retained one 30 mm (1.181 in) MK 108 cannon,
but most were unarmed. |
Bomber destroyer version, two prototypes with an adapted
50 mm (1.969 in) MK 214 (intended armament) or BK 5 (test ordnance
only) anti-tank gun in the nose. |
Heavy jet fighter with
six 30 mm (1.181 in) MK 108 cannon in the nose. |
Trio of A-1a evaluation versions, starting with Werknummer
170 078, re-engined with two BMW 003 turbojets in place of the Jumo
004s, maximum speed 800 km/h |
Definitive bomber version retaining only the two lower
30 mm (1.181 in) MK 108 cannon. |
Single prototype with advanced bombsight. |
Two prototypes with glazed nose for accommodating a
bombardier |
3795 kg |
6473 kg |
7130 kg |
10.60 m |
12.60 m |
21.7 m² |
3.50 m |
324 kg/m² |
2 × 30 mm MK 108 cannon |
2 x 100 |
0-2 × 30 mm MK 108 cannon
(1) |
0-2 x 80
(1) |
- |
- |
2 × 250 kg bombs or 2 ×
500 kg bombs (2) |
24 × 55 mm (2.2 in) R4M rockets |
(1) A-2a: two cannon only, (2) A-2a variant
Common Rüstsatz kits |
Underfuselage pylon for 500 l (132.1 US gal) external
fuel tank. |
Ratog installation for two Rheinmetall 109-502 solid
rocket engines. |
BMW 003R rocket boosted turbojet installation. |
Installation of the FuG 350 Zc Naxos radar warning receiver
/ detector. |
The standard 4x 30 mm
(1.181 in) MK 108 cannon installation |
Jabo (JagdBomber) equipment, such as bombsights and
bomb racks. |
Underwing installation of 12x R4M rockets carried on
wooden racks' |
R110BS Air to air rocket installation |
Ruhrstahl Ru 344 X-4 air-to-air missile
installation. |
2 ×
Junkers Jumo 004 B-1 turbojets, 8.8 kN (900 kg) each
x 1800 hp |
556 hp / ton * |
2570 L (internal)
+ 500 L drop tank
(*) on loaded weight
869 km/h
at 6000 m |
? km/h |
? km/h |
11450 m |
20 m/s |
1049 km typical |
(*) vitesse de décrochage
