/Airplanes/Axis/Germany/06-Transport/Go-242/Go-242A-1.htm | Up-dated: -


The Shark's mouth painted on the Gotha Go.242A-1 was the symbol of a unit in the Mediterranean area (Africa).


Go-242B-2 Specifications

Type: Long Range Transport
Crew: 1 or 2 pilots + up to 23 troops or freight

Length: 15.81 m | Width: 24.50 m | Height: 4.40 m
Weight: 3200 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 7100 kg
Max. Speed: 290 km/h | Ceiling: ? m | Range: ? km

MG: 4 × 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 15
Bombs: -

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Transport Aircraft