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Carro Veloce CV.33/Carro Armato Leggero L3 (Tankette/Light Tank) in Action Les Tankettes CV-33 et CV-35 furent versés comme carri d'assalto (chars d'assaut) dans les bataillons de soutien d'infanterie ou comme carri veloci (chars rapides) au sein de gruppi de cavalerie comprenant 43 véhicules chacun, soit 3 compagnies ou escadrons de 13 tankettes (3 pelotons de 4 tankettes + un chef de groupe par compagnie ou escadron). La première unité à être équipé des chars L fut le 3e squadrone du régiment de cavalerie Guide, au cours de l'été 1934. L'un des escadrons de ce régiment faisait partie de la mission internationale de surveillance des élections dans la Sarre (territoire allemand limitrophe du Luxembourg et de la Lorraine) en décembre 1934 et janvier 1935. Tankettes CV-33 and CV-35 were versed like carri d'assalto (tanks of attack) in the battalions of support of infantry or like carri veloci (fast tanks) within gruppi of cavalry including 43 vehicles each one, into 3 companies or squadrons of 13 tankettes (3 platoons of 4 tankettes + a team leader by company or squadron). The first unit with being equipped with the tanks L was the 3rd squadrone regiment of Guide cavalry, during summer 1934. One of the squadrons of this regiment belonged to the international mission of monitoring of the elections in the Saar (German territory bordering on Luxembourg and Lorraine) in December 1934 and January 1935.
Les tankettes L3 seront envoyés en Ethiopie en 1935-36. Au nord, 3 gruppi squadroni de L3 furent seront affectés à chacun des trois corps d'armée alors qu'en Somalie, ne furent déployées que deux compagnies. Cependant après les résultats de l'offensive de Graziani au sud, fut constitué un bataillon de chars (au sein du IVe Corpo d'Armata). Le secteur sud était en fait le plus favorable avec ses vastes plaines au déploiement de formations de blindés, alors que le terrain montagnard du secteur nord était plus défavorable malgré les bonnes capacités tout-terrain des tankettes L3. Quelques tankettes seront perdues durant cette campagne, elles étaient une proie facile une fois immobilisées pour les fantassins éthiopiens (surtout par derrière). Les versions lance-flammes furent pour la première fois utilisées durant cette campagne. Durant la guerre civile espagnole, les tankettes furent rattachés au Raggruppamento Reparti Specializzati (RRS). Les tankettes du RRS participèrent aux batailles de Malaga et de Guadalajara en février-mars 1937 puis à la bataille de Santander en août. Elles participèrent ensuite aux batailles d'Aragon en mars-avril 1938, de l'Ebre en juillet-novembre 1938 et de Catalogne entre décembre 1938 et mars 1939. Un contingent de 157 tankettes L3 fut envoyé en Espagne. Après la guerre les survivantes furent cédées aux troupes nationalistes de Franco. The tankettes L3 will be sent in Ethiopia in 1935-36. In north, 3 gruppi squadroni of L3 were will be assigned to each of the three army corps. In Somalia, only two companies were deployed. However after the results of the offensive of Graziani in the south, was constitued a battalion of tanks (within IVth Corpo d' Armata). The southern sector was in fact most favorable with its vast plains to the deployment of formations of armored tanks, whereas the mountain ground of the northern sector was more unfavourable in spite of the good cross-country capacities of the tankettes L3. Some tankettes will be lost during this campaign, they were an easy prey once immobilized for the Ethiopian infantrymen (especially by behind). The flame thrower versions were for the first time used during this campaign. During the Spanish civil war, the tankettes were attached to Raggruppamento Reparti Specializzati (RRS). The tankettes of the RRS took part to the battles of Malaga and of Guadalajara in February-March 1937 then in the battle of Santander in August. They took part then in the battles of Aragon in March-April 1938, of Ebre in July-November 1938 and of Catalonia between December 1938 and March 1939. A quota of 157 tankettes L3 was sent in Spain. After the war the survivors were yielded to the nationalist troops of Franco.
Si en avril 1939, les L3s du 31e reggimento carristi (division Centauro) participèrent à l'invasion de l'Albanie ils ne connurent aucun engagement majeur et cette opération fut vécue plus comme une manoeuvre à grande échelle. La première unité à connaître véritablement le combat durant la seconde guerre mondiale, fut le 33e reggimento carristi (division Littorio) dans le Val d'Aoste à partir du 19 juin 1940. Pendant cinq jours les L3s de ce régiment se cassèrent les dents sur des champs de mines et l'artillerie française. Lors de l'offensive italienne contre la Grèce, le 31e reggimento carristi stationné en Albanie, lança son attaque dans les vallées du Drino et de la Vojussa. Les 4 bataillons de chars L (170 L3s dont 37 L3s Lf) connurent une forte opposition près de Kalibaki avec quelques à la clé quelques pertes. Les L3s connurent de nombreuses difficultés en raison de la boue. Lors de la débâcle italienne, les tankettes furent très utiles pour ralentir l'avance des forces grecques. En janvier 1941, les 3 bataillons de chars L et celui de chars M (M13/40) combattirent entre Tepelni et Klisura le long de la Vojussa. A la fin du mois de mars, ce régiment fut redéployé à Tirana avec 50 tankettes et 15 M13/40 opérationnels, qui devront se replier en direction de la frontière albano-yougoslave. Le 33e reggimento et ses trois bataillons de chars L (117 L3) passa à l'offensive en Yougoslavie dans la nuit du 10 et 11 avril 1941 à partir de Fiume et cela le long du littoral dalmate sans guère d'opposition. Cependant dans le secteur sud près du lac Scutari les forces italiennes étaient plutôt à la défensive. Le 31e reggimento quant à lui devait repousser les attaques yougoslaves dans la région de Kopliku. Le 15 avril, le régiment fut lancé à l'assaut des forces yougoslaves sur le Proni That au prix de 11 tankettes détruites et 3 tankettes endommagées, et débuta l'invasion de la Yougoslavie à travers le Monténégro. Les colonnes des divisions Littorio et Centaurio firent jonction le 18 avril entre Trebinje et Ragusa. Les deux régiments cependant seront rapatriés en Italie en mai 1941. So in April 1939, L3s of the 31st reggimento carristi (Centauro division) took part in the invasion of Albania they did not know any major engagement and this operation was lived more like one large training operation. The first unit to know truly the combat during the second world war, was the 33rd reggimento carristi (Littorio division) in the Valley of Aoste from June 19, 1940. During five days L3s of this regiment broke the teeth on minefields and French artillery. At the time of Italian offensive against Greece, the 31st reggimento carristi stationed in Albania, launched its attack in the valleys of Drino and Vojussa. The 4 battalions of tanks L (170 L3s including 37 L3s Lf) knew a strong opposition close to Kalibaki with to the key some losses. L3s had many problems because muddy conditions. At the time of the Italian rout, the tankettes were very useful to slow down advances of Greek forces. In January 1941, the 3 battalions of tanks L and that of tanks M (M13/40) fought between Tepelni and Klisura along Vojussa. At the end of March, this regiment was redeployed in Tirana with 50 tankettes and 15 M13/40 operational, which will have to be folded up in direction of the albano-Yugoslavian border . The 33rd reggimento and its three battalions of tanks L (117 L3) passed to the offensive in Yugoslavia in the night of April 10, 1941 starting from Fiume and that along the Dalmatian littoral without hardly opposition. However in the southern sector close to the lake Scutari the Italian forces were rather in the defensive. The 31st reggimento as for it was to push back the Yugoslav attacks in the area of Kopliku. On April 15, the regiment was launched to the attack of the Yugoslav forces on Proni That at the costs of 11 destroyed tankettes and 3 damaged tankettes, and began the invasion of Yugoslavia through Montenegro. The columns of divisions Littorio and Centaurio made junction on April 18 between Trebinje and Ragusa. The two regiments however will be repatriated in Italy in May 1941.
En juin 1940, les tankettes L3 étaient les seuls blindés italiens (324) déployés en Cyrénaïque au sein de 7 (IX, XX, XXI, LX, LXI, LXII et LXIII). Les unités de tankettes seront regroupés plus tard dans raggruppamenti carristi en préparation de l'offensive sur Sidi Barrani. Cependant dans la réalité ces bataillons opérèrent en toute indépendance. Seul le raggruppamento Maletti combattit en alignant plusieurs unités blindées et motorisées. Le 32e reggimento de l'Ariete Division débarqua en février 1941 avec trois bataillons de chars L (soit 117 L3s, dont 24 L3s Lf). Ces tankettes participèrent à la reconquête de la Cyrénaïque soutenus par les chars M du 132e reggimento et les 39 chars L du LIIe battaglione misto (RECAM). Au début de 1942, en raison de pertes encourues lors de l'opération Crusader, il ne restait que quelques tankettes L3 survivantes qui furent reléguées à des missions de second ordre jusqu'à leur disparition totale. In Italian Eastern Africa, on July 15, 1940, 39 tankettes L3 equipped 1st and 2nd companies into the 3rd reggimento. On July 4, 1940, 15 tankettes L3 of the squadrone carri veloci Cavalieri di Neghelli took part in the catch of Cassala, at the Sudanese border, in support of a company of medium tanks M11/39. The month following another column of Italian armored tanks took part to the invasion of British Somalia, all these tanks were lost. in November, Brigata Corazzata Speciale was constitued. It gathered the 2 raggruppamenti carristi as well as LXIth battalion. However this last was transferred within 1st divisione CC.NN " 23 Marzo". In December 1940, all 7 battalions of tanks L were destroyed at the time of the counter-offensive of Wavell. In June 1940, the tankettes
L3 were the only Italian armored tanks (324) deployed in Cyrenaica within
7 (IX, XX, XXI, LX, LXI, LXII and LXIII). The units of tankettes will
be gathered later in raggruppamenti carristi in preparation to the offensive
on Sidi Barrani. However in reality these battalions operated in all independence.
Only the raggruppamento Maletti fought by aligning several armored and
motorized units. The 32nd reggimento of the Ariete Division landed in
February 1941 with three battalions of tanks L (either 117 L3s, including
24 L3s Lf). These tankettes took part in the reconquest of Cyrenaica supported
by the tanks M of the 132nd reggimento and the 39 tanks L of LIInd battaglione
misto (RECAM). At the beginning of 1942, because of losses incurred at
the time of the operation Crusader, it remained only some tankettes L3
surviving which was relegated to missions of second order until their
total disappearance.
The tankettes L3 landed in Russia in August 1941 with IIIrd gruppo carri veloci San Giorgio (division Celere Principe Amedeo Duca d' Aosta). However because of many logistic difficulties and the climatic conditions, many tankettes were abandoned (on a total of 55) and the gruppo was repatriated in July 1942. In Balkans, the tankettes L3 took part in the conquest of Greece and Yugoslavia. In July 1941, 1st and 2nd battalions L of the 31e reggimento were deployed in Dalmatia to track the partisans. In November 1941, Ist battaglione lanciafiamme (37 L3 Lf) was deployed in Yugoslavia and was followed by IInd battaglione lanciafiamme of the 4th rgt fanteria carrista in March 1942. In August 1942, IIIrd battalion of tanks L of the 31st regiment was sent to Montenegro. Ist gruppo carri L San Giusto and of IInd gruppo carri L San Marco as for them were deployed as Slovenia and Dalmatia. In May 1941 at the time of an landing of second order in Creta, a company of 13 tankettes L3 of CCCXIInd battaglione misto was used. This battalion was confined in the island of Rhodes and at armistice joined the rows of the RSI. In November 1942, the Italians invaded the south of France and IInd gruppo San Marco and IIIrd gruppo Piemonte Reale were deployed on the Coast of Azure. XIIIrd battaglione carri L of the 33rd reggimento was deployed in Sardinia and then in Corsica. After armistice, it fought the German troops. in Corsica.
Lors de l'armistice du 8 septembre 1943, beaucoup de L3s furent récupérés et utilisés par la RSI, notamment au sein des gruppi corazzati Leonessa (16 L3s de différentes versions), Leoncello, San Giusto et le Raggruppamento Anti Partigiani ainsi que la legione d'assalto Ettore Mutti et la legione autonoma mobile Tagliamento. Ces tankettes participèrent aux opérations contre les partisans italiens du nord jusqu'en avril 1942. Les partisans italiens et yougoslaves utiliseront plusieurs tankettes contre leurs anciens propriétaires. At the time of armistice of September 8, 1943, much of L3s were recovered and used by the RSI, in particular within the gruppi corazzati Leonessa (16 L3s of various versions), Leoncello, San Giusto and Raggruppamento Anti Partigiani as well as the legione d'assalto Ettore Mutti and the legione autonoma mobile Tagliamento. These tankettes took part in the operations against the Italian partisans of north until April 1942. The Italian and Yugoslav partisans will use several tankettes against their former owners.