/Airplanes/Axis/Japan/01-Fighters/Ki-45-KAIc/Ki-45-KAIa.htm | Up-dated: 27-09-2019


13th sentai - Cape Glouchester, New Britain Island, Solomon Islands, January 1944.
Two-seat fighter Type 2 of Army (Mark A) initial model of series, one 20mm Ho-3 in vendtal position, two Ho-103 12.7mm in the nose and a flexible 7.92mm in the back position




13th sentai - Cape Glouchester, New Britain Island, Solomon Islands, January 1944.
Two-seat fighter Type 2 of Army (Mark A) initial model of series, one 20mm Ho-3 in vendtal position, two Ho-103 12.7mm in the nose and a flexible 7.92mm in the back position






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