/Vehicles/Allies/USA/03-HeavyTanks/M6/File/1-Genesis-Production.htm | Up-dated: 22-02-2018


M6 Heavy Tank


En 1940, le Département de la Guerre américain décida que l' US Army devait posséder un char lourd. Le projet fut baptisé T1. Les premières ébauches prévoyaient rien de moins qu' un cuirassé terrestre doté de quatre tourelles. Deux des tourelles devaient être armée d' un canon de 75 mm, une autre d' un canon de 37 mm et la dernière d' un canon de 20 mm, sans oublier plusieurs mitrailleuses. Ce design ne dépassa jamais le stade des planches à dessins et l' on s' orienta vers des conceptions plus sages. Plusieurs prototypes de chars lourds suivront. Ces chars plus en rapport avec les réalités du terrain étaient tous dotés d' une seule tourelle accueillant l' arme principale, un canon de 3 pouces (76.2 mm) et un canon de secondaire de 37 mm. Le T1E1 ne fut jamais standardisé , mais 30 exemplaires furent quant même produits et baptisés M6A2. Le T1E1 avait une coque moulée et une transmission électrique qui fut également testée sur le Medium Tank T23.

In 1940, the American Department of the War decided that US Army was to have a heavy tank. The project was baptized T1. The first outlines envisaged anything less than one terrestrial cruiser equipped with four turrets. Two of the turrets were to be armed with a gun of 75 mm, another with a gun of 37 mm and the last with a gun of 20 mm, without forget several machine-guns. This design never exceeded the stage of the drawing boards and one directed oneself towards wiser designs. Several prototypes of heavy tanks will follow. These tanks more in connection with the field realities all were equipped with only one turret accomodating the principal weapon, a gun of 3 inches (76.2 mm) and a coaxial gun of 37 mm. The T1E1 was never standardized, but 30 specimens as were even produced and baptized M6A2. The T1E1 had a cast hull and an electric transmission which was also tested on Medium Tank T23.


Heavy Tank T1E1


src: ?



Le premier prototype à être finalisé fut le T1E2 chez Baldwin Locomotive Works en septembre 1941, ce prototype deviendra plus tard le M6 Heavy Tank, standardisé en mai 1942.

The first prototype to be finalized was the T1E2 at Baldwin Locomotive Works in September 1941, this prototype will become later M6 Heavy Tank, standardized in May 1942.


Heavy Tank T1E2/M6
src: Photos Gallery of WWII


Quant au T1E3, il deviendra, le M6A1 standardisé en mai 1942. La grande différence entre le T1E2 et le T1E3 est que le T1E2 possédait une coque moulée alors que celle du T1E3 était soudée. Tous deux avaient une transmission automatique.

As for the T1E3, it will become, the M6A1 standardized in May 1942. The great difference between the T1E2 and the T1E3 is that the T1E2 had a cast hull whereas that of the T1E3 was welded. Both had an automatic transmission.


Heavy Tank T1E3/M6A1


Le T1E4 quant à lui ne fut jamais produit et ne dépassa sans doute jamais le stade du papier. Le M6A1E2 (au départ T5E1) est une version particulière du M6A1 dotée d' un canon de 105 mm (long tube) dans une nouvelle tourelle (avec une plus grande circulaire: 2.03 m). Quinze exemplaires de ce monstre devaient être produits en vitesse pour être utilisés comme chars de rupture lors des derniers affrontements sur le théâtre européen mais en fait un seul exemplaire put être réalisé car entre-temps le projet avait été rejeté. Ce rejet provient du fait que l' utilisation d' un char de près de 70 tonnes et ne pouvant tout juste atteindre les 29 km/h n' aurait pas été très pratique. Sans parler des difficultés d' acheminement vers l'Europe.

The T1E4 as for it was never produced and undoubtedly exceeded never the stage of paper. The M6A1E2 (at beginning T5E1) is a particular version of the M6A1 equipped with a gun of 105 mm (long tube) in a new turret (with a larger turret ring: 2.03 m). Fifteen specimens of this monster were to be produced with speed to be used as tanks of rupture at the time of the last confrontations on the European theatre but in fact, only one specimen could be realized because meanwhile the project had been rejected. This rejection comes owing to the fact that the use of a tank of almost 70 tons and not being able just to reach the 29 km/h would not have been very practical. Without speaking about the difficulties of routing towards Europe.


Heavy Tank M6A1E2



Crewmen: 6
Weight: 62 tons
Length: ? m
Width: ? m
Height: ? m
Engine: Wright G-200, 9 cylinders, 900 hp / 2300 rpm
Armor: ? mm
Hull: Cast - welded
Armament: ?
Performances: 32 km/h on road


Crewmen: 6
Weight: 57 tons
Length: 8.43 m
Width: 3.112 m
Height: 3.23 m
Engine: Wright G-200, 9 cylinders, 900 hp / 2300 rpm
Armor: 25.4-102 mm
Hull: Cast
Armament: 76.2 mm M7 + 37 mm M6 and
3 x .50cal M2HB MG (12.7 mm)
Performances: 35 km/h on road, 160 km of range


Crewmen: 6
Weight: 57 tons
Length: 8.43 m
Width: 3.112 m
Height: 3.23 m
Engine: Wright G-200, 9 cylinders, 900 hp /2300 rpm
Armor: 25.4-102 mm
Hull: welded
Armament: 76.2 mm M7 + 37 mm M6 and
3 x .50cal M2HB MG (12.7 mm)
Performances: 35 km/h on road, 160 km of range


Crewmen: 6
Weight: ? tons
Length: ? m
Width: ? m
Height: ? m
Engine: Twin GM 6.71 diesels
Armor: ? mm
Hull: welded
Armament: ?
Performances: ?







M6A1 1/35


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